Priority Services

Our Priority Services scheme offers a range of free services to customers who have additional needs including those due to age, ill health, disability, poor literacy or mental illness.
The services offered include:
- extra support in the event of a water supply interruption
- additional meter readings to help customers to monitor their water use
- a password scheme to protect against bogus callers
- a nominee service
- bills and communication in braille, large print or an alternative language.
Customers can apply to join Priority Services online, by telephone or by completing a printed application form.
The register is accessed by both our billing and operational teams to ensure customers receive the additional support they need whenever they have contact with us.
Priority Services is part of our extensive offering to support customers in vulnerable circumstances.
Every customer matters, our vulnerability strategy sets out how we aim to raise awareness and increase the numbers registered for Priority Services.
Our performance commitment is to increase the number of customers added to the Priority Services Register in each year.
Unit of measurement |
Current performance (21/22) |
2025 target |
%age of customer base on the PSR |
✔ 4.0% |
7% of customers |
%age with attempted contact in the last 2 years |
✔ 91.6% |
90% of customers |
%age with actual contact in the last 2 years |
✔ 55.0% |
35% of customers |